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We are grateful to have the chance to work with nice individuals, families, friends, teams and corporate for our music box workshop. Singapore Tourism Board (STB) Central Provision Fund (CPF) Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) Ministry of Manpower (MOM) People Association Central Nacrotics Bureau (CNB) Changi Prison Service ICA Ministry of Education (MOE) Maritime & Port Authority (MPA) Jurong Spring Youth Network Ministry of National Development (MND) Housing Board (HDB) MTI (Ministry of Trade and Industry) IRAS PSD (Public Service Division - Prime Minister's Office) Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) Tax Academy of Singapore KK Hospital National University Hospital (NUH) Singapore General Hospital (SGH) Rare Skin Conditions Society NUHS (National University Health System) Thomson Medical Centre Apple Pfizer UOB NTUC Meta Google Marubeni-Itochu Tabullars Citibank Changi Airport Assets Prestige Alliance (APA) Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants Bank BNP Paribas Bank Julius Baer Far East Organization Singland JTC Certis Deliotts Northland Control Phoenix Contact Montfort Care Wyeth Nutrition Prudential Lundbeck Amgen ASM Millimeters Croda Audi Parkway Shenton M1 CapitaLand Visa Grab The Arts House AIC (Agency for Integrated Care) Future Electronics Impactify Schroders UOL GIC Brighton Vet Care Chanel Future Electronics The Arts House ASML Vihari Fine Jewels Boutique EM Services ERM (Environmental Resources Management) West Mall CMA CGA Girl Guides Singapore ONE (Ocean Network Express) Copenhagen Infrastructure Partner (CIP) EZ-Link Assisi Hospice Infant Jesus Homes & Children’s Centres (IJHCC) Care Community Services Society (CCSS) Manulife Roche Singapore Pools Eaton Volkswagen Partner Reinsurance Swiss Re Schneider Electric Traveloka (Singapore / Malaysia) ODE Consulting SGX Bankside Capital PennEngineering Hafnia Veson Nautical National Institute of Education (NIE) NTU Library Deyi Secondary school Tao Nan School Ai Tong School Pioneer Primary School Northshore Primary School The Little Skool-House International PCF Sparkletots Yanzheng Secondary School St. Gabriel Secondary School St. Hilda’s Primary School Marymount Convent School Ngee Ann Primary School Catholic High School (Primary) Montfort Junior School Woodgrove Primary School Rulang Primary School Jiemin Primary School E-Bridge Pre-school Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) Alumni Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) Alumni National University of Singapore (NUS) - College of Design and Engineering (CDE) - Continuing Education (SCALE) - Computing - Nursing - Faculty of Arts & Social Science (FASS) - Office of Student Affairs (OSA) - Office of Finance - Duke NUS Medical School - UTown Residences - Yale-NUS College - PGR Residences - Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYPP) - Dentistry - Health and Wellbeing - Alumni Engagement

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<< Working in progress >>

To be continue

amCharts Okdodoo Visitor Map v2.jpg

Customer's Map

We have sold our products to 60 countries, and we are grateful to have the chance to meet customers from different part of the world.

Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan Kuwait, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Papau New Guinea Peru, Philippine, Portugal, Portugal, Qatar, Reunion Island Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Swizerland, Taiwan Thailand, Turkey, UAE, Uruquay, USA, Vietnam

The Moments - Corporate Workshop and Team Building




